Where we become Living Poetry

BEYOND does not rise from words, she rises beyond words.
Opening her realms, she speaks to you as poetry, through poetry.
And once inside…
We all become it.

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The depth of life is felt in the unspeakable.
Feel your way in
through taking Puja’s channeling in
as a portal.


We are in a Prayer of Tantravaganza
I am where my soul wants to be.
Where I am loved and celebrated, soul to skin.
This is Home.
And I love all I see.
Even if I can’t see it, even if I can’t love it, yet.
I will.
I will fall deeper and deeper.
Into the nourishment of our authentic nature.
Where I can feel Deep Delight
Calm, alive and unleashed.
Where all we do is a ritual of existence.
Dropping deeper,
into the colourful Sacred Union
Living a Temple Life

- Puja

Embrace who you are
Forget who you are
And come Home

- Puja

Meeting the sweet spot of Truth
allowing it to take you, with embracing arms
Is refined
And unmistakable
It is delicate while fierce

Horny while divine
Bringing the bliss alive in our purity, beauty, blissbody.
Altering us beyond
Giving us the spaciousness we crave for
Our soul’s and human liberation

by Life herself.

- Puja

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The drink of deva
She lubricates
She redeems
our soulpath.

through the back of our throat

into the heart.

Ever expanded bliss
Washed away
All we are not.

Dying while being the immortal.
Opening for the new it attracts

- Puja

Spiraling down in full vulnerability.
Ever expanding altering our juiceful fire into rippling waters,
as it runs down
becoming tender, our naked skin.
Melted, become our hearts,
warmed, our loins,
adorned, our souls.
As we bathe in innocence.
As we let Divine horniness take us deeper.
Dissolving us fully into our illuminating love.
Swirling around,
the overflowing abundance and river you are.

- Puja

Devotional Love
through Sacred Sexuality.

Allowing our depth calling us in deeper.
Oh how raw and primal we are.
Oh how sacred that is.
Oh how we will roar,

to rise.
Tearing apart our ways and behaviours.
To taste life deeply.
And in the cracks,
the liquid Gold pours out.
Of overflowing love and subtle exquisiteness.

- Puja

Rooting in all there is.
Rooting in our joy, beyond our grieve
Our desire to live deeper,
Our resistance.
Rooting in the wildness of the ride,
the beauty,
the inspiration,
Rooting in presence.
Ohh our presence.

Rooting deeper in the not knowing,
the finding the way.
The coming home deep into the soil.
Where we meet Her, and She meets us.
Where He holds us all.
And in union, we rest and melt
as we are Rooting in Life.

- Puja

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The Pause

To be.
In every moment simply slower.
We pause.
No rush.
We breathe
We feel.

You are right there.
I am right here.

Absorbed by life
By its fullness
It’s deliciousness
I feel you.
It draws me in
But I stay
In my deliciousness.

And in between us
A field of energies
rest and play.

Becoming surrender
and silent
When in the pause
How deep can you rest
To give space
and trust
to what comes from deep within
the longing

that simply and gently arises.
And wants to move you

No rush
We breathe
We feel.

- Puja