Dates 2024




Irresistible Growth Immersion

October 22 - 30

’House of Devotion’

To live, love and lead from deeper wisdom & wealth

A New Initiation and Era of the richest spectrum, through dark & light embodiment, leaving your shadows behind.

Enter The Temple

And into the most Intimate Altar of your totality and highest timeline.

⟢ Living Arts ⟣
A full ritual space
into deeper being, instant evolution and divine creation.

in your humanness,
leadership, relationships,
spirituality and sexuality

Your opportunity to come to our beautiful field and line of deep work.

Create the deepest intimacy levels with life, our energy body, and being the entrance for being able to receive deeper pleasure in our body and being.



Resting deeply in our body

in our ground,

in spaciousness,

in pure presence.


Opening into the refined

soft & fierce

Easing and rewilding

Lightening and endarkening.

Reaching into the places in you to discover deeper

Life meeting your delicacy, soul, nectar, oomph.


In our actual full incarnation, 

in the subtle and refined

and in the soil of our soul,

The dark is here to serve you

Bringing and valuing you 
beyond hidden or flaunting shadows.
Bringing the deep juice to life and the light.

Cosmic embodiment 


In the unknown 

And let her rip you open 

Into the deepest intimacy.